Thursday, February 25, 2010

Gaga, oohlala.

Yes, I did get bangs. Some people like it, some people don't. Ohwell, at least some people think it's cute. PLUS I look young, whee :)

Now, I shall show you what uh, Annie can do since Eunice hasn't shown what Sugar can do yet!

I know it's only one picture but I don't really care. Hahah, had to wait so long just for the 9 below.

So honestly? What's a Chinese New Year reunion without these things?

Hyper adults,

Yee sang, I like this picture, don't you?

Jolly Shandy,

Nerdy chess playing cousins "Die, Queen!",

Hyper 'I'm going to fall off your bed, help me!' cousins,

'Sleep-on-my-sofa' cousins, and

'LET'S POSE!" cousins :)

Really, it wouldn't be the same with cousin IT, cousin IT and the rest of the cousin IT gang, wouldn't it?

My Chinese New Year was reasonably fun, apologies for not updating earlier. I would've put up more pictures but I'm lazy to wait for Blogger to upload them, so most of them are up on Facebook.

I'll update later, holiday tomorrow, wooh! So since Wei Jin was ever so kind as to tell me about the existance of these few Youtube vids, enjoy!

GAHH, embed code doesn't work. Watch em anyway.

FUNNY, really. I laughed my. BUM off!